About Us
Stampar3D aims to bring the emerging and exciting world of 3D Printing and Advanced Manufacturing to the Nigerian market, targeting businesses, organisations, schools and individuals.
At Stampar3D, we are very passionate about Education and Creativity. From the curious minds of young pre-school children to the experienced mind of a veteran interior designer, Stampar3D aims to help them achieve their goals using advanced manufacturing.

Stampar3D was founded in 2015, at a time where 3D Printing was just hitting the mainstream globally – and especially in the western countries. We then jumped at the opportunity to pioneer 3D Printing to the Nigerian market, and in particular, to Architects. We found a need for Nigerian architects to communicate their building designs to their numerous clients and 3D Printing seemed the perfect solution for that.
However, we found a much bigger need once stampar3D got running. And this was a need for local hardware makers, designers, hobbyists and inventors to create functional prototypes of their designs. We partnered with the Lagos GE Garage to facilitate numerous training sessions that provides the opportunity for these makers learn and utilise 3D Printing as well as other advanced manufacturing methods to realise their prototypes and eventually launch their products.
Today, Stampar3D boasts a diverse range of clients across multiple industries helping them solve their prototyping or hardware related problems not just in Nigeria, but across Africa and the World.
We have subsequently expanded and still expanding evolving to become a One-stop Shop for all things 3D Printing in Nigeria.

So regardless of what your hardware needs are, get in touch with us today to help you resolve them (or at the very least, put you on the right track of resolving them via our consulting services)